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Honorary Doctorate Award

The awarding of an honorary degree is an important symbol in the life of the Council professional excellence programme. An honorary degree recognizes uncommonly meritorious accomplishments and activity, both in the academic arena and in broader areas of benefit to society that reflect the values esteemed by council. Honorary degrees are conferred to those whose achievements are of such excellence that they provide, through example, inspiration and leadership to the council.

In choosing recipients for this honor the council is also guided by the principle that in honoring individuals for their contributions, the council is also honoring itself by its association with people of such special merit.


The following specific criteria are used by the Honorary Degrees Committee in its consideration of candidates. The Committee’s goal each year is to present a slate of recipients across a range of academic disciplines and non-academic areas of achievement. Honorary degree recipients, when possible, will be chosen to match the purposes of the Convocation at which the degree is to be granted.

Those in category (a). will predominate if possible; those in categories (b) and (c) will normally number less than half of the recipients in category (a) unless the Convocation is being called for a special reason

a) The Council normally will give preference to honoring individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the sciences, humanities, and professions in which the council itself is active.

b) Recognition will be given to those whose exceptional accomplishments have contributed to enhancing culture and society in India or elsewhere in the world.

c) The council occasion will honor those who have made extraordinary contributions to the development of the council/organization or the region or have achieved international standards of excellence.