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S. No.ThemeSub ThemeName of Convener
1Global Convention on "Adoption practice mechanism to end Poverty"Poverty Eradication
Social Protection System
Equal right to Economic resources
Basic services and ownership
Mobilization of Resources
Policy framework for end poverty
2Global Convention on "Sustainability Development Zero Hunger Challenges Issue and way forward"Food Security
Mechanism to improve nutrition
Sustainable Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries
Crop and Soil Management
Transport Management
Agriculture Database Utilization
3Global Convention on "Healthy Life and wellbeing"
In association of "Ministry of Health and Family Welfare"
In association of "Ministry of Ayush"
Child Health
Maternal Health
Communicable and Non Communicable Disease
Healthy lifestyle for Persons with Disabilities.
4Global Vice - Chancellors convention on "Quality Education"Affordable Quality Education
Value based elementary education
Education for all human being
Effective learning education
Vocational and Territory education
EntrepreneurÊ Development Program
Train the Trainer Program
Trainer Exchange Program
OneÊ Nation One Education System
Global Innovative Learning (GIL) Practices
5Global consortium for "Uniform Social balancing System"Discriminations Eradication
Eliminate harmful practices Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work
Effective participation andÊ Equal Opportunity
Universal access to sexual and reproductive health / rights
Equal access / right to economic resources
Clean and safe Sanitization
Policy and inforcible legislation for promotion of Gender Equality
6Water Convention on "Responsible Consumption and utilization"Water quality strengthen
Water scarcity
Water resource management
Protect and restore water ecosystem
Support and strengthen Participation of local community in improving water and sanitation management
7Global Convention on "Affordable and Clean Energy"Sustainable Energy for all
Affordable Reliable and modern services
Strengthen the mechanism of Renewable Energy
Investment Opportunity in Energy Infrastructure
8World Convention on "Decent Work and Economic Growth"Economic Productivity
Diversification of Technological upgrading &Innovation
Development oriented policies for Economic Growth
Eradication of force labor, end modern slavery and human trafficking
Prohibition and elimination of worst form of Child labor
Employment framework
Sustainable Tourism
Trade related Technical assistance to LDC(least developed countries)
9Global Convention on ÒIndustry Innovation and InfrastructureÓReliable Sustainable and resilient infrastructure
Sustainable Industrialization
Responsible Access of MSME
Support local technology development, research and innovation in developing country
Technology Transfer to LDC
10Global Convention on "Global Balancing Mechanism"Balancing Income Growth
Social, Political and Economic inclusion of all
Equal opportunity
Fiscal, Wedges and Social Protection policy
Regulation and Monitoring of Global financial market
Implementation of planned and well managed migration policy
Encourage official development assistance and financial flow
11Global Convention on "Sustainable Cities and Communities"Adequate Safe and affordable housing
Basic service for Slums
Sustainable Human Management Planning
Sustainable Transport
Waste Management
Holistic Disaster Risk Management
Sustainable and Resilient building using local materials
12Global Convention on "Responsible Consumption and Production"10 Year Framework program on Sustainable production and consumption
Efficient use of Natural resources
Post harvesting losses Control
Supply Chain Management
Impact on Human health and environment
Reduce waste generation
Public procurement practices
Efficient energy utilization
Over Consumption control
13Global Convention on "Climate Change and Natural Disaster"Integrate Climate change measures into national policy and strategy
Human and Intuitional awareness in climate change mitigation adoption and reduction
Operationalize Green climate fund
Rising capacity for effective climate change
UN Framework on Climate Change
Emission reduction of Greenhouse gases
Follow Paris agreement COP21 December 2015
14Global Convention on "Oceans Seas and Marine Recourses"Reduce marine pollution
Marine debris and nutrient pollution
Impact of Ocean acidification
Effective regulate harvesting and End overfishing
Economic benefits to small irland developing state
Increase scientific knowledge
Develop Research capacity and Marine technology
Association with oceanographic commission
EUNCLOS : Legal framework for conservation and Sustainability
Marine transport management
Marine Tourism
Aqua resource management
15Global Convention on "Forest Combat Desertification halt and reverse land degradation"Sustainable use of Terrestrial and inland water ecosystem
Forest Management
Restore degraded soil and land
Conservation of Mountain ecosystem
Degradation of Natural habitats.
Poaching and trafficking of protected species of flora and fauna
16Global Convention onÊ "Peace Justice and Strong Institution"Reduce all form of Violence and related Death
End abuse exploitation and trafficking
Equal access to justice for all
Illicit financial and arm flow
Mechanism for reduction Corruption and bribery
Effective accountable and transparent intuitional framework
Effective decision making
Global Governance
Enforce nondiscriminatory law and policies
17Global Convention on "United Nations Sustainable Development Partnership"Domestic resource mobilization
Attaining long term debt sustainability
Adopt and implement investment regimes for LDC
Triangular regional and International cooperation
Operationalize Knowledge Bank
Capacity Building
North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation
Equilateral multi trading system
Duty free and quota free market access
Micro economic stability
Global Partnership for sustainable development
Promotion of effective public private and civil society partnership
Multi Stake holder partnership
Data monitoring and accountability
Knowledge Network and super I-Way.